Situation: Pronghorn is a standalone company incorporated in 2022, funded by Diageo, and built to establish a template for effectively diversifying any industry—starting with spirits—through investment, incubation, and recruitment.

Problem: Black Americans drink spirits at an equal rate (12% consumption) as other racial groups but are underrepresented members of the industry at the executive level (2%) and ownership level (0% acquisitions).

Solution: In early 2021, we answered Pronghorn’s RFP for a social media agency-of-record with a proposal to educate, inspire, and entertain through primarily two channels—Instagram and LinkedIn. From content development to community management, Narratent strategized and executed an organic content strategy that helped catapult Pronghorn into a mainstream enterprise that continues to scale.

Results & Impact: Grew B2B brand awareness amongst Black-owned spirits brands, leading to 12+ acquisitions within two years.

  • 373% Follower Growth (967 to 4.6K) 

  • 621K Social Impressions

  • 6% Engagement Rate

  • 700-Member LinkedIn Community


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Illinois Department of Transportation