WayMaker Men’s Summit

Situation: We attended the WayMaker Men’s Summit in 2022. After two days of keynotes, fireside chats, panels, and live podcasts from the likes of Master P, Dame Dash, Chris Gardner, Earn Your Leisure, and others, along with amenities that included free haircuts, massages, and manicures, we realized what many people are still finding out – the event is the #1 empowerment conference for Black men and boys in the country. For many of its attendees, Black men and boys, it is their first time ever walking into a downtown building.

Problem: WayMaker had little to no digital marketing footprint pre, day-of, or post-event. This put a ceiling on awareness, registration, and attendance. 

Solution:  To better showcase the event’s programming, impact, and scale through digital, after transitioning from attendees to WayMaker’s agency-of-record, Narratent developed an omnichannel strategy that spanned across web, organic and paid social media, email marketing, and SMS.

Results & Impact: 

  • 1,689 men registered for the 2023 summit, shattering the previous year’s attendance with a 128% increase YoY

  • In 2024,  2,600+ men registered for the 2024 summit, breaking the attendance record for another straight year by 54%.

  • 7.5M Social Impressions

  • 404% Follower Growth (4.8K to 24.3K)

  • 5% Engagement Rate


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