4 Tips to Improve Your Online Branding

Your brand is the face of your business and the main representative of who you are. A brand that misrepresents your business can dim its light even if your business is performing better than ever. Because of this, it’s important that your online branding is at the top of its game—of course, this is easier said than done. Luckily, there are some things you can do right now to improve your brand’s online presence. Here are four helpful tips you can use to boost your brand:

1. Show What’s To Offer

No matter how good your social media content is, people are still less likely to stick around if they don’t believe they’re getting anything of value out of their follow. Take time to show your audience what you’ve got. Start by asking some questions:

What does our brand represent to our audience?

Is our online content appealing to look at?

Can our audience come to our platform for information or entertainment?

Answer these questions yourself, then use them on your social accounts. Tailoring the content on your online platforms to the wants and needs of your audience will strengthen your relationship with them, leading to long-term growth. 

2. Use Storytelling

Since the beginning of time, people have used storytelling as a form of entertainment, but it is most known for exchanging information and understanding. Because of this, storytelling helps your audience better understand what your brand offers, even beyond goods and services. Whether it's having a solid ‘About’ page on your company site that details your brand’s journey or showing followers who you are “behind the scenes” via social media, you can connect much closer with your audience by telling them stories that matter. 

And why stop there? You can also highlight personal testimonials from customers, client success stories, and team member updates to keep your audience tapped in with you and your brand. How you make people feel is just as important as who you are—tie this together by telling the full story.

3. Seek Feedback

How well do you really know your audience—their likes, wants, and needs? It’s easy to forget that the needs and wants of your audience are always changing, even if their core attributes remain the same. This presents a great opportunity for you to reach out to your audience for helpful feedback about how they feel and what they’re looking for. 

Social media polls and surveys are a great way to seek out the info you need. Ask questions that retrieve information while remaining interesting. Here’s an example:

“How are you feeling about the team after last night’s blowout game? 

Make it known in the poll below!”

Do it your way to get the helpful feedback you need.

4. Be Consistent

You could be standing in the way of your own success when it comes to a lack of consistency. Like anything else, consistency is key to seeing notable results and reaping the benefits to come. If you’re only posting on social media every now and then, audience growth is likely to be unpredictable and unproductive. This also applies to other forms of online content like blog posts, newsletters, site updates, and overall communication with your audience. 

It’s difficult for an audience to attach themselves to you if they barely see you around, so start showing up for your audience throughout the work week and build your consistency from there. Put your best foot forward by becoming consistent in the timing and presentation of your online content.

The Bottom Line

Though a lot goes into online branding as a whole, applying these four tips to your marketing strategy is a great place to start. Continuing to center your audience, story, and intentions will help shape your online brand into the representative your business needs. Whether on social platforms or in the media, you have the power to steer your brand in the right direction. Give these tips a try—you got this!


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