Why Nike Is The World's Most Socially Conscious Brand In 2022


These days when we talk about branding and appealing to different types of target audiences, it is becoming more and more apparent to me that a lot of big brand companies are taking powerful stances on what used to be taboo subjects in marketing campaigns. In today’s campaigns, it seems like it’s common practice for brands to push the idea of being, “woke” or socially aware of various societal issues. Issues such as inequality, women’s rights, gay rights, racism, are just a few of the topics being targeted by marketing agencies. I think it’s incredible, and a refreshing change of pace to see big brands have enough courage to jump off the fence and show support behind polarizing concerns in today’s society.

 But in the same breath, I have to ask myself, “Are their messages truly genuine?” In the past, big brand companies have steered clear from addressing controversial issues for one of two reasons; fear of losing buyers that don’t agree with a particular stance, or fear of getting the message wrong, and ultimately offending the very audience they intended to show support to (i.e., Pepsi’s “Live for Now” commercial)

 So, what has changed? — Not having a choice.

Marketing teams always have and will always take the approach of, “You jump first, and we will if you survive.” With the emphatic rise of social media, this mindset has been cranked to the next level, having witnessed a lot of companies take a bad social hit under the all-seeing eyes of the internet. But it’s clear that brands today are faced with a challenge; no longer is it okay for companies to take the neutral ground about societal issues. Consumers want the brands they use every day to represent something. The standard is set, and for brand companies, it’s either stand for something or watch your consumer spending fall.

 The question is, how does a brand effectively communicate a message of sincere support of social issues without coming across as fake, or simply being a trend-follower? This is the overarching inquiry that is floating around every creative room in the world, and quite honestly, there’s no straight forward answer.

 But there is a well-known brand that seems to have it figured out.


 For 30 years, their “Just Do It” mantra has set forth a high standard of achievement for millions of people around the world. Earlier this year, Nike pushed forward an even more progressive message.

“Dream Crazy.”

This campaign designed by Wieden + Kennedy addresses systematic racial, gender equality, and sports biases. At its unveiling, the commercial left the media world on the edge as everyone awaited the response… The verdict? An overwhelmingly positive one. The rise in sales didn't calculate its victory. Or popularity of the campaign that made it the front runner for several Cannes Lions Advertising Awards, instead it was about Nike’s willingness to take a step that a lot of significant brands would hesitate to. Their desire to use the anniversary of their rich history to begin to tell a different story that we all need to hear consistently.

Nike has been right on pace since 1964, continuing to place socially driven ads designed to paint a stunning picture. This time the image was one that needs to be seen by men who look like me, women who look like my cousin, and everyone in-between. The most important part though is that the messages are not artificial, they’re not see-through. They are real and speak a universal language. 

 We know Nike for being a heavyweight in the sports world, now we know it for still being that while adding a new level of respect for their courageous forward thinking. Sports brands typically aim to inspire, encourage, motivate. But Nike goes further.

They want to change to the world.

This begs the question, at least for me, is Nike the most socially conscious brand in the world?


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