Learning Lingo: Your Brand’s Guide to Gen Z Language

Language is ever-changing, constantly evolving, and relative to the culture of the time. No group is a better example of this than Generation Z, a global cohort of people born between the late 1990s and early 2010s. Gen Z has not only created new ways of communicating on and off the internet. The Gen Z influence has made its way into mainstream pop culture, monumental moments in music, and even historical events that will be remembered forever.

Source: PEW Research Center

While some brands continue to ignore this young demographic, there is value in getting to know Gen Z, their many interests, and yes, their language. This generation of consumers cares about brands that pay attention to them, and are likely to share their thoughts on products and services via social media. For these reasons, learning what Gen Z is saying (and what they mean) can help you connect with this audience and strengthen your brand’s following.

So, how much Gen Z lingo do you really know? Do you get the jest or does it go right over your head? No matter where you’re at, our Gen Z language guide has you covered:

  1. Periodt: An exclamation or affirmation said at the end of an argument, debate, or discussion for emphasis. See also: purr

  2. Cap: A lie, untruth, or fallacy. See also: fake

  3. Bruh: A term of endearment to address a familiar person—also used as an exclamation. See also: bro

  4. Fam: A family member or someone seen as family, also commonly said of close friends—also used as an exclamation. See also: cuz

  5. BFR: Shorthand for ‘Be For Real’, commonly used to call out or antagonize a person or entity that is being untruthful or deceptive. See also: ‘BFFR’ or ‘FRFR’

  6. Pressure: Something or someone holding great value or significance—also used to describe an attractive person. See also: ‘P’

  7. In my feelings: Experiencing strong emotions. See also: ‘feel a way’, ‘feel some type of way’

  8. In my bag: Something or someone who is about handling their business. Also said of something or someone who performs well or excels in their craft. See also: ‘in my Burkin’

  9. Dope: Something or someone who is extraordinary, captivating, or striking. See also: fire

  10. Glow: The attitude or appearance of a person who is happy, attractive, or in good spirits—usually said of a person who is visually stunning. See also: glow up

  11. Bet: Affirming an answer or statement; positive sentiment. See also: aight

  12. Ick: Something or someone who causes an adverse reaction or feelings of discomfort; something or someone who disrupts the spirit. See also: turn-off

  13. Stan: An intense or aggressive follower of a person, place, or thing. See also: superfan

  14. Bae: A significant other or partner, official or otherwise. See also: babe

  15. Snatched: Expressing feelings of awe or astonishment from the actions of a person or entity—usually said in reference to the scalp, edges, hair, or soul. See also: gagged

  16. L: Shorthand for ‘Loss’, used to refer to a consequence, defeat, or failure. See also: ‘take this L’

  17. W: Shorthand for ‘Win’, used to refer to a triumph, victory, or gain. See also: ‘for the W’

  18. F2F: Shorthand for ‘Face To Face’, said when requesting to see someone in person. See also: face time (not to be confused with FaceTime)

  19. GOAT: Shorthand for ‘Greatest Of All Time’, used to refer to an entity or individual who excels in their craft, field, or character above all the rest. See also: mutha

  20. IYKYK: Shorthand for ‘If You Know You Know’, used to allude to something without revealing it entirely. See also: ‘The girls that get it, get it.’

  21. Bop: A nice song, tune, or instrumental. See also: hit

  22. Extra: Being hyperactive or vigilant in nature or demeanor. See also: ‘doing the most’

  23. Living rent-free: A phrase referring to something or someone who is continuously in the thoughts and minds of others. See also: ‘in a chokehold’

  24. And is: An affirmation and reiteration of the statement it follows. See also: ‘and do’, ‘and does’, or ‘and will’

  25. Hit different: An instance that causes a reaction or emotion different from the norm. See also: deep

  26. Slaps: Something that is pleasing, satisfying, or fulfilling. See also: goes

  27. Bad: A term to describe someone who is physically attractive, usually a woman. See also: baddie

  28. Bussin: A place or instance that is high in energy or quality. See also: lit

  29. Turn up: Partying or attempting to create a celebratory environment. See also: t-up

  30. Twin: A best friend or confidant seen more like a sibling. See also: bestie

  31. Slide: To arrive someplace. See also: pull up

  32. Low-key: something that is not obvious but still true in nature. See also: ‘on the low’

  33. High-key: Something that is extremely obvious. See also: obvi

  34. Salty: Feeling resentment, agitation, or jealousy toward someone or something. See also: big mad

  35. Sending me: Said in reference to something or someone that brings or laughter. See also: weak

  36. Vibe check: A phrase used when attempting to assess the attitudes and sentiments of people in a given space. See also: attitude check

  37. Scary: Someone who frightens easily or avoids confrontation. See also: lame

  38. Bands: Lump sums of cash—also used to describe money of any amount. See also: bread

  39. Thirsty: Behaving in a way that is overly eager or needy. See also: simp

  40. Sauce: Referring to someone’s style, allure, or status—positive and admirable in nature. See also: drip

That is just the beginning. Numerous words and phrases are being created by this generation on a regular basis, growing and changing just as they do.

When you can recognize this language and tune into the many conversations being had by this generation, you can determine how best to approach and include them in your strategy.


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